Principal Message

Message From The Principal

Mark Gray

Welcome to the CMS website. At Central, we celebrate our students' achievements in the areas of academics, athletics, extracurricular and community service programs. Our curricula are aligned with the NJSLA Standards. Students' varied needs are addressed through differentiated instruction. Multiple forms of assessment and data are used to measure student growth and guide subsequent instruction. At CMS, it is understood that we are preparing students for their futures and not our pasts. Technology is incorporated into instruction, and students learn essential twenty-first century skills. We strive to ensure that our students are well prepared for the next stage of their educational careers.

Central's staff and administration are committed to being life-long learners.The district provides ongoing professional development opportunities focused on best instructional practices. Teachers work together with district colleagues in professional learning communities that enable them to learn from and support each other. The goal of all professional development is to increase both the effectiveness of instruction and student achievement.

Central students demonstrate their learning and growth in a multitude of ways with academics being the cornerstone. Additionally, students excel in athletics, music, art and acting to name a few. We have five fall and six spring athletic teams, concert bands, choral arrangements, and students also perform plays under the guidance of staff members. Our students also participate in a variety of co-curricular activities and clubs including Student Council.

My personal connection to Central Middle School goes all the way back to when it was Central Junior High School. I have played many roles here including student, athlete, teacher, lead teacher, coach, assistant principal and now principal. I had fantastic experiences during them all, and my current role is the most exciting of all. It has been amazing to watch the building expand over the years to the beautiful facility it is today. Once a Blue Devil now a Cougar, I am proud to be back at Central working in a community so dedicated to their students.

Mark Gray