Learn more about how you can support the RMS PTA and sign up to be a member.
On the website, you can:
Learn more about the programs we support
Link to fundraising opportunities
Stay up to date on the calendar of PTA events
Review opportunities where you can help
Download important forms and event flyers
Check out the latest PTA happenings
View a list of businesses that sponsor our PTA
Access past meeting minutes
The PTA Does That?
The PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
At RMS, the PTA strives to enrich your child's educational experience by:
Funding cultural arts assemblies throughout the year
Funding and staffing the Scholastic Book Fair
Funding educational field trips at every grade level
Funding Family Read Night
Providing community through:
Hosting the annual Back to School BBQ
Planning dances for grades K-5
Offering enrichment events throughout the year
Sponsoring school spirit apparel
End of year Carnival
And supporting our school and our teachers with:
Volunteer support: All helpers at PTA events, including class parents and field trip chaperones must be PTA members
Staff appreciation events
Kindergarten orientation
RMS Alumni Scholarship
Sponsorship of a high school student for project graduation
PTA Executive Board Officers:
Darlene Taylor - President
Robert Peluso - Vice President
Chris Puglis - Treasurer
Lilia Gavlin - Recording Secretary
Maggie Hess - Corresponding Secretary