The First Grade classes have been working hard at being detectives… WORD DETECTIVES that is! Using the Parsippany curriculum, and the Lucy Calkins Units of Study for Teaching Reading program, Mrs. Tangorra, Ms. Brooks, Mrs. Hackett, and Ms. Weinberg have been creating engaging missions for their classes to explore. The first grade readers have been using all the strategies they have learned to figure out tricky words and the meaning of text. Students have been practicing and applying different strategies to stop and solve any reading problems they may encounter. This unit also ties back to their previous learned skills: “Good Habits for Solving Hard Words”.
We also have been learning about engineering in Science. We became engineers ourselves when we took on the challenge of building the tallest, most sturdy tower out of cups. The first grade engineers designed their ideas before testing out different solutions to see which design worked the best. We love going on a journey of exploration!